OCCRP made its final update to the Russian Asset Tracker on August 4, 2022
LX-MOW Gulfstream G650
Value $65,000,000
Location Luxembourg
Owner information

-Owned by a Luxembourg company called AT6207 Limited, whose ultimate ownership is unknown.
-LX-MOW was previously owned by VL6207 Limited, a Bermuda company owned by British Virgin Islands-registered Chariton International Ltd. Chariton was owned by Maria Shuvalova, Shuvalov’s daughter.
-In March 2022, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned LX-MOW, which it said was linked to Altitude X3 Limited, a Bermuda company that it in turn linked to Evgeny Shuvalov, Shuvalov’s son.

  • Flight data reveals how LX-MOW has flown to airports in Austria and Italy close to Shuvalov’s properties over the past year.
Credit: Anna Zvereva, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr